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Your Business and Networks

Business Networks consist of various different elements, depending on your goals, needs and requirements. Along with wireless and VPN connectivity solutions, Get Smart Sol also assists with IT support, computer setups for your operations centre, network infrastructure development, WiFi, WAN and LAN networks. We have expertise in arranging helpful mobile solutions for your constantly moving workforce. Using the right combination of structured cabling solutions, WiFi and LAN routers as well as switches, will ensure proper network solutions for your offices and elsewhere. You can take advantage of our IT solutions for businesses on an ad hoc basis, or via an annual maintenance contract.


Importance of networks for your business

Networks form the backbone of any office IT infrastructure. They enable smooth communication internally and externally.
Through WiFi, WAN and LAN your workforce can communicate through a plethora of devices, share information and collaborate across multiple platforms.
VPN connectivity solutions enable people to log onto company networks, empower staff and truly make your workforce mobile.
With our expertise, GSS will advise you on the best IT solution for your company and business – whether complex or simple.
Networks give your workforce the best access to the Internet and your shared resources, while also ensuring smooth and effective tracking of its use.

Responsive Design

Planning your Network Design

Engaging the help of GSS to properly plan your network design or computer network infrastructure, can result in better performance and reliability. Whether you are a small or large organisation after a Local Area Network (LAN) or Wide Area Network (WAN), our experts will create a logical map to optimise your network and connected devices such as firewalls, routers, switches, servers and much more. We will help you build a stable and reliable network infrastructure optimised for your needs and budget.

network planning

Advantages of network planning with Get Smart Sol

  • Smooth, efficient collaboration during the design process to assess and understand your needs. This is achieved by:
  • Effective planning of your network – either from scratch, or using existing elements.
  • Providing a complete end-to-end solution from the initial network design to tying up the last cable and being there for follow-up support.
  • Work closely with you while being considerate of your budget.
  • Assisting and facilitating seamless connectivity for you and your workforce.
  • Knowledge of the latest products.
  • Recommendation of the best products for your specific setup, based on a thorough understanding of your needs. We work with various products so we don’t feel obliged to push certain products over others unless they are really the best fit for a specific scenario.
  • Customer service and an empowered workforce.
  • Planning your Network Design
  • Engaging the help of GSS to properly plan your network design or computer network infrastructure, can result in better performance and reliability. Whether you are a small or large organisation after a Local Area Network (LAN) or Wide Area Network (WAN), our experts will create a logical map to optimise your network and connected devices such as firewalls, routers, switches, servers and much more. We will help you build a stable and reliable network infrastructure optimised for your needs and budget.